Unravelling the Wonders of Microprocessor 8085: A-Z Guide for Little Minds

Niladri Das
5 min readFeb 10, 2024


foundation_ architecture_microprocessor

Table of Contents

H1: Introduction

  • H2: What’s a Microprocessor?
  • H2: Meet the 8085 Chip

H1: How Does the 8085 Work?

  • H2: The Brain of Computers
  • H2: Tiny Electrical Workers

H1: 8085’s Language: ELI5 Edition

  • H2: Talking to Computers
  • H2: Instructions Are Like Magic Spells

H1: Let’s Play with 8085: Fun Examples

  • H2: Math Time with 8085
  • H2: Making a Digital Sandwich

H1: What Makes 8085 Special?

  • H2: It’s Like a Super Fast Chef
  • H2: A Symphony of Electrical Dance

H1: 8085 vs. Other Microprocessors: A Friendly Showdown

  • H2: 8085’s Cool Cousins
  • H2: Why 8085 Takes the Cake

H1: Troubleshooting 101: When 8085 Gets a Bit Confused

  • H2: Common Hiccups
  • H2: How to Make 8085 Smile Again

H1: The Past, Present, and Future of Microprocessor 8085

  • H2: Back in the Day
  • H2: Today’s Playground
  • H2: What’s Next?

H1: Why Every Computer Lover Should Know About 8085

  • H2: The Gateway to Tech Wonderland
  • H2: Your Secret Superpower

H1: Let’s Recap Our 8085 Adventure


Hey there, little tech enthusiasts! Today, we’re going on a fantastic journey into the world of Microprocessor 8085. Don’t worry; it’s going to be a thrilling ride filled with exciting stories and magical discoveries!

What’s a Microprocessor?

Imagine you have a super smart friend who can do tons of different tasks lightning-fast. That’s what a microprocessor is — a tiny wizard inside your computer!

Meet the 8085 Chip

Now, let’s get to know our star, the Microprocessor 8085. Think of it as the superhero chip that makes your computer go zoom!

How Does the 8085 Work?

The Brain of Computers

Picture your brain making decisions for your body. The 8085 does the same for computers — it’s their brain, helping them think and work.

Tiny Electrical Workers

But how does it do that? Well, the 8085 has its little army of electrical workers. They follow instructions and create the magic that makes computers do amazing things.

8085’s Language: ELI5 Edition

Talking to Computers

Just like you talk to your toys, computers talk to the 8085 using a special language. It’s like a secret code that only they understand.

Instructions Are Like Magic Spells

And guess what? The 8085 follows these instructions like a magician following magic spells. It’s like telling it to do a trick, and voila, it does it!

Let’s Play with 8085: Fun Examples

Math Time with 8085

Imagine having a friend who’s super quick at solving math problems. Well, that’s the 8085 for you — it can crunch numbers faster than you can say “mathematics”!

Making a Digital Sandwich

Want to make a virtual sandwich? The 8085 can help with that too! It follows your sandwich-making instructions step by step. Just don’t forget the digital mayo!

What Makes 8085 Special?

It’s Like a Super Fast Chef

Do you know how chefs in restaurants make your food lightning-fast? The 8085 does the same for computers, making sure everything happens in the blink of an eye.

A Symphony of Electrical Dance

Think of the 8085 as a conductor in a magical orchestra. It makes sure all the electrical instruments play together, creating beautiful music in the world of technology.

8085 vs. Other Microprocessors: A Friendly Showdown

8085’s Cool Cousins

There are other microprocessors out there, but our 8085 has some cool cousins. Let’s see how they all bring their unique flavours to the tech table.

Why 8085 Takes the Cake

And the winner is… you guessed it, our Microprocessor 8085! Find out why it’s the shining star in the microprocessor family.

Troubleshooting 101: When 8085 Gets a Bit Confused

Common Hiccups

Even superheroes have their off days. Learn about the common problems the 8085 might face and how to help it get back on its feet.

How to Make 8085 Smile Again

Discover some simple tricks to make your 8085 chip happy again. After all, a happy chip is a powerful chip!

The Past, Present, and Future of Microprocessor 8085

Back in the Day

Take a trip down memory lane and see how the 8085 started its incredible journey.

Today’s Playground

Explore where the 8085 plays today. It’s not just for vintage computers; it’s still rocking the tech world!

What’s Next?

Curious about the future? We’ll peek into what might be next for our beloved Microprocessor 8085.

Why Every Computer Lover Should Know About 8085

The Gateway to Tech Wonderland

Knowing about the 8085 opens the door to a wonderland of technology. It’s like having a secret key to the coolest club in town.

Your Secret Superpower

And guess what? Understanding the 8085 gives you a superpower — the power to understand how computers work. How cool is that?

Let’s Recap Our 8085 Adventure

Phew! That was quite a ride, wasn’t it? We’ve learned about the magical world of Microprocessor 8085, from its humble beginnings to its powerful present. Now, let’s wrap it up with a quick recap.


In a nutshell, the Microprocessor 8085 is like the superhero of computers, making them work like a charm. It’s a tiny genius that deserves a special place in the heart of every tech lover.

Call to Action

So, dear readers, dive into the world of Microprocessor 8085 and explore the magic it brings to the tech universe. Who knows, you might discover your superpowers along the way!

FAQs: Answering Your Curiosities

  1. Q: Is the 8085 still used in modern computers?

A: While not as common, the 8085 still plays a role in some specialized systems.

2. Q: Can I upgrade my computer with an 8085 chip for super speed?

A: Unfortunately, it doesn’t quite work that way. Upgrading involves more modern solutions.

3. Q: What happens if the 8085 chip gets too hot?

A: Just like us, it needs to stay cool. If it gets too hot, it might slow down or even stop working.

4. Q: Can I talk to the 8085 like I talk to my friends?

A: Well, not exactly. It understands a special language, but it’s a bit more computer-speak than friend-speak.

5. Q: Is the 8085 the only microprocessor out there?

A: No, there are many others, but the 8085 has a unique charm that makes it special.

And there you have it, little tech explorers! The Microprocessor 8085 — a tiny hero in the vast world of technology. Keep exploring, keep learning, and who knows what wonders you’ll uncover! 😊🚀



Niladri Das

Writer | Open Source Contributor | 3x Cisco Networking Academy Certifications | 1x IBM | 2x IBMSkillsBuild | 2x Google Analytics Academy | 3x LinkedIn Learning❤